Creation of Grade Carreer


Creation of Grade Carreer

The establishment of the Careers in UTN was linked to the conditions of our country's economic development and industrial growth in particular. It is consequently most characteristic of the UTN, the creation or issuance of new careers in times of marked development.
In the 50s, the city of Córdoba and its surroundings is quickly transformed into a strong industrial center, in sectors such as civil construction, aerospace, automotive, power generation and distribution of electricity. The impulse generated a strong demand for specialized professionals. The Facultad Regional Córdoba began operations in 1953 with the issuance of the following Engineering degree:

Over the years and today, our faculty, expanded its academic offering in the region to meet the demand of specialists. At present, dictate eight (8) undergraduate and 15 postgraduate courses between specialization, masters and doctorates.
Undergraduate courses accredited by the CONEAU (Comisión Nacional de Evaluación y Acreditación Universitaria) in the Faculty are:

The undergraduate program that is issued and is not included in the RM No. 1232/01, so it cannot be submitted to the accreditation process so far is:
Information Systems Engineering

Creation of the Civil Engineer Career

In 1953, the Facultad Regional Córdoba began its activities with the Engineering Career in Buildings Constructions, from 1988 as Civil Engineering with three orientations (Construction, Hydraulics, Roads), thus expanding academic offering and allowing our graduates more and better job position and exercise of the profession, and that technological advances in the region, so require. Since 2005, the plan is unified and there is only one specialty of Civil Engineering.

Creation of the Electrical Engineer Career

In 1953, the Facultad Regional Córdoba began operations, with the original Electrical Installation Engineering, over the years and caused changes in the curriculum, always adapted to the demands of the region; it took the current name of Electrical Engineering, serving regional demand.

Creation of the Electronic Engineer Career

Given the technological advances of the ‘60s, Facultad Regional Córdoba began the dictation of the career of Electronic Engineering, which is the first in the region, in academic degree in the specialty. Today is one of the largest career in the number of students enrolled, and is accredited in the Mercosur region through the Experimental Facility Accreditation (MEXA) of the University Policy Section of the Ministry of Education of the Nation. It is the only career accredited in the university within this framework. Graduates have excellent job placement in the region and abroad, given the exceptional academic training (theoretical and practical experimental) who are in this Faculty.

Creation of the Mechanical Engineer Career

In the year of commencement of academic activities of our Facultad Tegional Córdoba, Mechanical Engineering is precisely one of the traditional Careers in UTN, which started as Mechanical Buildings Engineering; then, through changes in curricula, the name torn to Mechanical Engineering. This career has a strong demand for graduates, because the city of Córdoba is transformed into an industrial metal-mechanic terminal of great technological development in the production of possessions and services.

The academic training of our graduates, had great impact on the sector (public and private), which turned out to be one of the largest careers in students during the 60s and 70s.

Creation of the Chemical Engineer Career

In 1972, the Facultad Regional Córdoba, started the dictates of Chemical Engineering, this being the first in the region, supplying the technological development of the sector, in the capital and the interior f our province, where it greatly expanded Chemical Industry (Petroquímica Río III, Atanor, Militaries Factories, Central Nuclear Embalse); also the strong expansion in the food industry, has created strong demand for our graduates to meet needs in areas such as laboratories, quality, production and new plants projects around the country.

Creation of the Metallurgical Engineer Career

Our Facultad Regional Córdoba in 1960, began its activities with the issuance of the Career of Metallurgical Engineering, unique in the region, driven by the needs of industry, because the expansion of the aerospace and automotive industries acquired growth and total occupancy values and the need for more specialist in the development of new ferrous and nonferrous materials and treatments to achieve certain mechanical and protective.
The city of Córdoba, had many targeted industrial establishments in obtaining parts, by fusion processes both ferrous and nonferrous metals, heat treatment plants, plants for hot deformation of metals (forging), which necessarily required the specialist professional services and specific as Metallurgical Engineer.

Creation of the Information Systems Engineering Career

In 1973, the Facultad Regional Córdoba begins the dictate of University Systems Analyst Career with four (4) years. In 1985 starts a new Plan of Study, covering with Information Systems Engineering Career. The UTN through the Facultad Regional Córdoba was the first governmental University in the issuance of this specialty in the region, for the purposes of meeting the demand with qualified professionals in the new specialty.
Over time and with the new plan of study, it became an undergraduate as the traditional Engineering Careers educated in our university.
The development experienced in the informatics area over the past 20 years, makes our institution receives the highest number of freshmen for this career and is now the most numerous.

Although other institutions emerged with academic programs in computer systems, the preferred by their academic and labor market continues to be dictated in our institution.

Creation of the Industrial Engineering Career

In 1995 starts at the Facultad Regional Córdoba, the enactment of the Career of Industrial Engineering, observed every year as one of the fastest growing careers in student numbers. Usually in industry mechanical engineers, electricians, electronics, developed much of the industrial activity, in managing the production of supplies and services as business administration. The strong technological development, matching with modern management techniques in production and business administration requires a professional engineering covering that defendant academic profile specific.

Our graduates are inserted easily into the workplace, given their good academic background. As a University, our faculty was a pioneer in the region with the issuance of the Career of Industrial Engineering.