Electric Engineering

Graduate Profile

The Electric engineering graduate career is a response to the need of forming capable professionals to handle technical and also management tasks in the area of generation, transmission, distribution and usage of electric energy.
The formation given provides the graduate the ability to use software techniques in the development of projects, such as, machinery, devices and installation, and the automatic control of the before mentioned.

The graduates performance is defined by the technological and professional disciplines considered part of the career, this is: Generation and transmission of electric energy; machinery; electronic and electric control devices; the “electroenergetics”, which is the study of the methods, intended to optimize the production and handling of the electric energy and the electric systems; renewable energy sources, including aeolic and solar technology; automatization and electric control.

Career Organization

Duration: 5 years organized annually. Schedule: 30 hours per week, whereas 32 weeks of instruction per school year. Shifts available for courses: night. The Ingress is with leveling course of predatory Content. The Career is without tuition.

Department of Electrical Engineering

Ingenieria Electrica

For more information:

Academic Secretary